El aumento o la persistencia de la violencia en varias regiones de país han llevado al Gobierno nacional, instituciones, ONG y expertos a preguntarse por sus protagonistas. Pero responder este cuestionamiento no ha sido fácil. Las nuevas dinámicas que ha tomado la violencia después de la negociación con el ahora partido de la Farc son difusas, debido a que las grandes estructuras de grupos violentos han desaparecido. Ver más...

London/Bogotá – 6 June 2019: “Signing a Peace Agreement is not enough,” say 29 international organisations involved in a mass campaign supporting the Colombian Peace Process. Since the signing of the internationally acclaimed Peace Accord in 2016, violence against peace and human rights activists has surged dramatically in Colombia; at least 155 were killed last year alone.

The international platform Space of Peace Cooperation (Espacio de Cooperación para la Paz – ECPP), a network of 29 European and American civil society organisations working on Colombia, is launching a campaign to raise international awareness of the jeopardy that the implementation of the Peace Accord is facing. The campaign “International community – emergency call for a Colombia in peace” will be launched simultaneously across Europe and the Americas on 6 June.

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