The president of Colombia's Peace Court Patricia Linares demanded the Attorney General's office to respect the court's autonomy.

The President of Colombia’s Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) Patricia Linares condemned Thursday the General Attorney’s office for “meddling” in cases related to kidnappings by the former Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

In a statement, Linares said the Attorney General's office had “improperly meddled in its judicial autonomy and independence” by ordering an investigation into "Case 001," which is currently under review by the JEP,  a judicial mechanism set up during the peace negotiations between the Colombian state and the now defunct FARC. Leer más...
















The peace deal with the FARC has further cemented restitution of this land, which had already started in 2011 with Law 1448.

According to the government, it is going well. The Land Restitution Unit has received over 112,000 claims, 40 per cent of which have been finalized; another 15 per cent have passed the administrative stage and are awaiting a judicial decision.

However, others disagree. In total, only 297,486 hectares of the land were returned by May. Just 7,468 cases, fewer than seven per cent, were decided by judges, points out Gerardo Vega, the head of Forjando Futuros, an NGO that helps land claimants. The government body turned away the majority of the claims, saying that they did not meet the requirements of the law. According to Vega, the decisions lacked transparency.Leer más...















Si alguien ha sido férrea opositora de cómo el Gobierno lleva el proceso de restitución de tierras a víctimas del conflicto ha sido María Fernanda Cabal, senadora del Centro Democrático, quien se hizo elegir en esa corporación con la bandera de garantizar que la ley no generara nuevas en víctimas.

Por eso radicó ante el Congreso un proyecto de ley que busca modificar la Ley 1448 (de Víctimas y Restitución de Tierras), con el ánimo de “otorgar plena garantía de sus derechos, a quienes se les desconocieron sus legítimos derechos de posesión y propiedad adquiridos de buena fe, con la puesta en marcha de esta ley”. Leer más...














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