Rather than swords into plowshares, Colombian artist Doris Salcedo is pounding guns into floor tiles.

Salcedo, one of the country's best-known sculptors, is building a monument to mark the end of Colombia's half-century-old guerrilla war, using the scrap metal from leftover rebel machine guns, automatic rifles and pistols. These and other weapons were used to kill more than 220,000 people in a war that began in 1964 and ended through a peace treaty signed in 2016.

"The fact that these guns have been destroyed means that many, many lives have been saved," Salcedo tells NPR in an interview. Leer más...

Just months after a new president moved into the Colombian presidential palace in August 2018, questions remain over the future of the peace deal signed between the Colombian government and the left-wing FARC guerrilla group, which is now a political party. 

The peace treaty allows FARC members to serve in the Colombian Congress and enables thousands of former guerrilla fighters to slowly integrate into society and to receive alternative sentences for their crimes rather than lengthy prison time.

This project focuses on how the new president will honor the commitments made by his predecessor at this critical point in the deal’s implementation and what the risks are to the deal and to peace moving forward. It also includes a look at what the FARC hopes to achieve, its perspective on the deal’s implementation, and how its entrance into the Colombian political sphere will change it as an organization. Leer más...

Niels Annen asegura que no está cerca una solución en Nicaragua, que su país rechaza una intervención extranjera en Venezuela y le pide a Jair Bolsonaro que demuestre que puede ser un presidente demócrata en Brasil.

Tras una visita breve a Colombia, y luego de pasar por Cuba y Nicaragua, el viceministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Alemania, Niels Annen, habló con El Espectador sobre la buena impresión que se lleva de nuestro país. Ya había venido, en plan de turista, a mediados de los años 90 y lo que encontró esta vez fue “una sociedad más libre y diversa”. Luego de reuniones con funcionarios del Gobierno nacional, organizaciones no gubernamentales y algunos congresistas, el señor Annen saludó la intención del presidente Iván Duque de continuar con el proceso de paz. Sobre la situación en la región, rechazó tajantemente la posibilidad de una intervención militar en Venezuela. También le dejó un mensaje al presidente electo de Brasil, Jair Bolsonaro.  Leer más...


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