Colombia, Seeking to Calm Storm, Denies It Is Investigating Ex-Rebel

(Fuente: Wall Street Journal)

The Colombian government denied reports it is investigating a top former rebel commander for conspiring to traffic in drugs, allegations that have added further uncertainty to fragile peace accords that ended a half-century of conflict.

On Saturday, The Wall Street Journal, quoting people familiar with the matter, reported that U.S. and Colombian authorities are investigating Luciano Marin, a 62-year-old ex-commander of the former rebel group known as FARC, for allegedly conspiring to traffic in cocaine. That report came nearly three weeks after the country was rocked by the arrest here of another former rebel leader, Seuxis Hernández, on drug charges.

The two men, who are close, have denied the allegations of drug trafficking. They accused authorities of seeking to damage the peace process by accusing them of committing crimes after signing the peace pact in 2016. Both commanders disarmed their forces and are now among the leaders of a political party.

President Juan Manuel Santos and other officials, concerned that the former rebels could lose further confidence in the process, insisted that Colombian law-enforcement agencies aren’t investigating Mr. Marin, best known as Ivan Marquez.

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